Is There a G-d? Who Needs G-d?


In the modern era, religion has come under harsh attack. After all, so much extremism, intolerance, fundamentalism and war has been associated with religion. Discover the Jewish approach: Is it unscientific to embrace G-d? Who Even needs G-d? And can there be right and wrong without a God?


Blind Faith or Free Choice?


There is so much about religion that remains utterly incomprehensible. From commandments that we do to life cycle events and everything in between, can a Jew ever think for himself or must he just obediently comply? Must we readily accept or can we ever challenge? Are we programmed robots or free spirits?


The Thirteen Divine Attributes


In this segment, Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe discusses the oft referenced subject in Kabbalah: The Thirteen Divine Attributes. While this concept can appear to be quite ephemeral, Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe explains its practical significance and the way in which the Thirteen Divine Attributes can affect our daily life.


How to Know and Feel G-d in Our Everyday Lives


For some of us, G-d is like a critical Parent or an exacting heavenly Judge. For others, G-d is like a caring Friend Who is there to fix problems after we create them. This talk helps us discover a mature, sophisticated, and empowering understanding of G-d and reclaim the power we’ve replaced with negative images of G-d or passive images of ourselves, and thereby tap the wellspring of holiness from within.
