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Showing 109–144 of 319 results
Moshe’s Unmarked Grave (Sources)
Responsible Governance
Amazon Prime and Amira Le’Nochri
Spontaneous Generation
Praying in Unison – Kedusha during the Silent Amida
סוד עניית אמן. פרק ב
תפלה על קברי צדיקים. א
Raising Funds and Raising Spirits – The Value, Role and Virtues of a Fundraiser
Father from Far: Respecting a Non-Jewish Father
Making the Right Turn
Breaking a Fast
Blessing the Public Square (Sources)
Immersive Torah Education
Women’s Prayer Groups
The Scribe’s Code
Not All Wine Is Fine
The Great Religious Cover-up: Tznius – Origins and Applications
Modest Footsteps: The Halachic Definition of Shok
The Mysticism of Twins
The Morality of Sarah
The Law and the Lore of Ascending the Temple Mount
Influencing the Divine
Tempering the Union
A Map to Moshiach
Regulating the Ultimate Blessing
מנהג הנחת אבן על המצבה
Great Shakes: Understanding the Mitzvah of Shaking the Lulav and Esrog
Holding the Torah While Upholding Halachah
The Prophet who Ran from G-d
Unraveling the Tefillin
תקיעת שופר – טעמיה ומשמעותה
Kollel or Career?
Anatomy of a Cry: What the Shofar Sound Bites Mean to You
בנאי ששינה בהבנין
Why We Care About Hair: Background of the Hair-Covering Requirement
When is a Mechitzah Out of Bounds – Guidelines for Mechitzos