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Showing 145–180 of 287 results
The Congregational Prayer Service – Prayer Section III
Sexual Abuse and Misconduct in Jewish Law and Ethics – A Monograph
To Give or Not to Give?
מהות ושרש נפשות בעלי חיים
Sanctity of the Synagogue
Love Thyself (Part II) – The Limits of Physical Self-Abuse
Love Thyself: The Imperative to Secure Material and Emotional Wellbeing
The Chazzan’s Dilemma
Angels and Demons
Souls and Spirits
It’s Written in the Stars: The Jewish Approach to Astrology, Zodiac and the Horoscopes
Bowing in Prayer
More than One Bashert
עניני מחילה
The Drugs Debate
Honor is not Dead: Kibud Av V’Em
Mother of Royalty
The Reality of Dreams
Roots of Reincarnation
Private Matters
The Meaning of Love
L’chaim – the Torah Perspective on Alcohol Consumption
טבילת כלים
Dust and Ashes: The Conflict Between Burial and Cremation
The Mindset of Prayer – Tefilah with Kavanah
Matrilineal Descent: Who Is a Jew
הצלת נפש בנפש
Evolution of Prayer
Studying the Secular: The Soul of the Matter
The Laws of the Jew and His .22
Study or Sink: Secular Education and the Hunt for a Job
What to Make of Divine Rage
Can Rabbis Give Medical Advice?
Kiruv with Love: Its Origins and its Propriety
A Parting Gift of Atonement
The Afterlife of the Righteous Gentile