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Showing 181–216 of 287 results
A Bad Bet or a Light Laugh?: The Difference Between Lotto and Gambling
מצות הלואה
Moshiach’s Mysterious Harp – Music of the Future
Bizarre Burial?
What’s in a Name?
Why the Torah Is Inconsistent
על בכיה ודמעות
The Devastation of Midyan: Justice or Genocide?
The Covenants that Bind Us
Dots and Squiggles
צלם אלקים
הנחת פרחים מעל ארון או קבר המת
The Crucible of Life: On Challenges and Tests
גדר חיוב כבוד אב ואם
Friday Lights
The Poet King
Putting G-d on Trial: Heresy or Humanity? A Jewish Response to Tragedy
The Round Figures that Trigger Sniggers
טעם שבירת הלוחות
Why Pray? (Class)
Spelling Variations in the Torah
The Nusach Debate – Reciting the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy during the Ne’ilah Service
Kaddish and Closure
Can G-d Change His Mind?
Bond of Brothers
Architecture and Design of the Synagogue
Birkat Kohanim from Temple times until Today
Architecture, Art and the Torah
Coercing an Apostate to Divorce
Au contraire! The Ins-and-Outs of Contradicting Parents, Teachers and Rabbis
A Knotty Issue: Women and Teffilin
The Tale of the Hebrew Tongue
Being Generous to Gentiles
As Confusing as Night and Day
Angels of the Ark
A Palestinian State?