JLI Crown Heights, Wrestling With Faith, Student Books


*For Crown Heights Only*

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Course Outline

Lesson 1
I Have Trouble Believing In G-d

There are many things about G-d that bother me—for starters, what is G-d? Besides, I can live perfectly well without Him: Why do I need Him in my life?

Lesson 2
Does God really care?

Many Jewish observances seem petty and burdensome, and they interfere with the way we choose to run our lives. Why can’t G-d just leave me alone?

Lesson 3
Jewish Beliefs Seem Primitive

G-d seems to espouse outdated beliefs such as the notions of a “chosen nation” and designated gender roles. Plus, He interferes with our choice of lifestyle.

Lesson 4
A Good G-d Who Does Bad Stuff

How can we understand and relate to G-d’s intimate and caring presence in our lives amid the experience of suffering and tragedy?

Lesson 5
Are Religion and Science at Odds?

How might a scientific person embrace beliefs that cannot be proven in a lab, or reconcile compelling evidence for the theory of evolution and the age of the universe with a literal reading of the Bible?

Lesson 6
How Can I Relate to a G-d I Cannot See?

Can a finite human have an intimate relationship with an infinite G-d? If it is indeed possible, where do I start?

Weight 2.1 lbs
Dimensions 8 x 10 x 0.8 in


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