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Home/Standalone Courses
Know Israel Program
Dear Shliach and Shlucha,
Thank you for joining the Know Israel Program. We’re glad to have you onboard.
This four-part course confronts the pervasive lies and accusations about Israel that Jewish students currently face on college campuses, equipping them with effective, thoughtful responses.
With communication tips and skills built into each lesson, they are encouraged to confidently broadcast a Jewish perspective to the world and their peers with pride and conviction.
When confirming your spot, you’ve already committed to having 10 students attend the four classes and complete the advocacy requirements to receive the program for free.
When you reach that goal*, this pre-order will be removed from your account, and you will not be charged.
After you place your pre-order, links to purchase the Teacher’s Manual and Student Textbooks will be on the thank you page.
Please don’t hesitate to contact Devorah with any questions.
*All your students' progress will be on
Lesson 1: Whose Land Is It Anyways?
Explore the biblical, historical, and legal foundations of Israel’s claim to the Land. This lesson unpacks the timeless connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel, offering clarity and confidence in defending Israel’s legitimacy on the global stage.
Lesson 2: Can a War Be Moral?
Delve into the ethics of conflict as guided by Torah values. Through analysis of Israel’s defensive policies, this lesson examines the balance between protecting life and upholding moral standards, demonstrating why a moral war is not only possible but essential.
Lesson 3: What Is the Price of Peace?
Examine the complexities and challenges of the two-state solution. What are–if any–the risks of territorial compromise? This lesson highlights the profound implications of peace initiatives for Israel’s survival and security.
Lesson 4: Will Israel Ever Be Accepted?
Israel has become more isolated in the international community. Is there a remedy for this? Should Israel aim to be part of the family of nations, distinct—or some combination of the two? This lesson addresses the root causes of anti-Israel sentiment and explores how to respond confidently to widespread condemnation.