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Showing 433–468 of 674 results
הצלת נפש בנפש
Evolution of Prayer
Talking Animals (Sources)
Studying the Secular: The Soul of the Matter
The Laws of the Jew and His .22
Study or Sink: Secular Education and the Hunt for a Job
What to Make of Divine Rage
Can Rabbis Give Medical Advice?
Kiruv with Love: Its Origins and its Propriety
Celebrating a Bas Mitzva (Sources)
A Parting Gift of Atonement
The Afterlife of the Righteous Gentile
A Bad Bet or a Light Laugh?: The Difference Between Lotto and Gambling
מצות הלואה
Moshiach’s Mysterious Harp – Music of the Future
Bizarre Burial?
What’s in a Name?
Why the Torah Is Inconsistent
An Uplifting Shabbos (Sources)
על בכיה ודמעות
The Devastation of Midyan: Justice or Genocide?
The Covenants that Bind Us
Dots and Squiggles
צלם אלקים
The Torah’s CEOs (sources)
הנחת פרחים מעל ארון או קבר המת
The Crucible of Life: On Challenges and Tests
גדר חיוב כבוד אב ואם
Friday Lights
The Poet King
Putting G-d on Trial: Heresy or Humanity? A Jewish Response to Tragedy
The Round Figures that Trigger Sniggers
טעם שבירת הלוחות
Why Pray? (Class)
Spelling Variations in the Torah
The Nusach Debate – Reciting the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy during the Ne’ilah Service