FALL 82 Outsmarting Antisemitism
Cheshvan 5782/ October 2021
Against the backdrop of a recent uptick in antisemitism and the increased anxiety it has brought to the Jewish community, this course sets out to beat this age-old cancer—with purpose, positivity, and pride. Marshaling historical analysis, Talmudic sources, Jewish mysticism, and contemporary expert analysis, the four lessons of this course provide insight, perspective, practical direction, and personal reassurance to motivate and inspire proud, fearless Jewish life.
Winter 82 Meditation from Sinai. Mindful Awareness and Divine spirituality to help you think, feel, and live deeper.
Shevat 5782/ January 2022
Judaism places great emphasis on action. As a result, many Jews are unaware of another important facet of the Jewish tradition: deeply meaningful teachings about mindfulness, spirituality, and meditative practices. This course advances the uniquely Jewish approaches to these fascinating topics. Whether you’ve practiced meditation before or not, this course will both inspire and practically guide so that you can reap the benefits of a more spiritual and mindful life.
Spring 82 Beyond Right. The values that shape Judaism's civil code.
Iyar 5782/ May 2022
Talmudic analysis and mind-bending logic have long been a hallmark of Jewish scholarship. But buried beneath much of the discussion and legalese are core Jewish values that fuel so much of the debate. This course examines a number of key legal issues that disclose fundamental ethical considerations that serve as the engine of Jewish civil law.
Against the backdrop of a recent uptick in antisemitism and the increased anxiety it has brought to the Jewish community, this course sets out to beat this age-old cancer—with purpose, positivity, and pride. Marshaling historical analysis, Talmudic sources, Jewish mysticism, and contemporary expert analysis, the four lessons of this course provide insight, perspective, practical direction, and personal reassurance to motivate and inspire proud, fearless Jewish life.
Judaism places great emphasis on action. As a result, many Jews are unaware of another important facet of the Jewish tradition: deeply meaningful teachings about mindfulness, spirituality, and meditative practices. This course advances the uniquely Jewish approaches to these fascinating topics. Whether you’ve practiced meditation before or not, this course will both inspire and practically guide so that you can reap the benefits of a more spiritual and mindful life.
Talmudic analysis and mind-bending logic has long been a hallmark of Jewish scholarship. But buried beneath much of the discussion and legalese are core Jewish values that fuel so much of the debate. This course examines a number of key legal issues that disclose fundamental ethical considerations that serve as the engine of Jewish civil law