Torah and Deli at Handmaker this Summer

Posted Monday, Jul 22nd, 2024

Studying with Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin from Chabad Tucson is a great way to spend an hour at Handmaker. And if you add in a Reuben sandwich, you have an unbeatable combination.

Handmaker residents have been enjoying learning from Rabbi Yehuda Ceitlin over the past few months and, thanks to a grant from the Jewish Community Foundation (JCF), Handmaker has opened up these study sessions to the community for the summer, most Thursdays at noon. To make it even tastier, attendees can order lunch from Mae’s Kosher Kitchen for just $5.

So far, the visitors who have joined Handmaker residents at the Torah & Deli classes have commented that they were “happy to study over lunch with Rabbi Ceitlin again”, that “a $5 kosher deli lunch is a great deal” and have given an overall thumbs up to combination of deli sandwiches and Torah study at Handmaker! One recent attendee of the class compared his Reuben sandwich to those he remembers from Katz’s Deli in New York. High praise indeed!

The funding from JCF subsidizes the lunches and supports the purchase of weekly study materials from the Jewish Learning Institute, which provide Jewish insights from the Torah, Talmud, Pirkei Avot, and more. These study materials, along with the wonderful leadership and knowledge of Rabbi Ceitlin, have led to some interesting discussions at recent classes.

And on those Thursdays when Rabbi Ceitlin is not available, attendees are pleased to have Rabbi Howard Schwartz step in in his absence. Rabbi Schwartz has been leading Torah study classes at many congregations in Tucson over the years, as well as at Handmaker. His warm and welcoming manner encourages questions and lively exchanges amongst the participants.

This collaborative project with Handmaker and Chabad Tucson is a terrific opportunity for older adults to learn and study with others in person, and not just virtually, something that many people are now seeking to do more of.

Those interested in attending this Torah & Deli class can email Nanci Levy to be added to the email reminder list, then go to the Mae’s Kosher Kitchen website to order lunch on Thursday morning before class. The menu can be found here, or on the Handmaker website. There is no class on Thursday, July 25th.

If you scroll down to the bottom of the menu, you will see the “Torah Study” lunch options. Order on Thursday morning before class, the deli opens at 10am, and lunch will be ready for you at noon in the Great Room. Call Nanci at 520-322-3632 with any questions.

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