Common questions of "Why?" in the Jewish faith

Posted Thursday, Feb 11th, 2016

 ST. LOUIS, MO. (KTVI)- The Jewish religion and culture has many traditions. Some of those traditions raise questions like "Why?" Now there is a course in St. Louis to answer those questions.

Rabbi Avi Rubenfeld of the Jewish Learning Institute stopped by the Fox 2 newsroom this morning to discuss a new course aimed at answering the questions about Jewish tradition.

The six-week course, "Journey of the Soul" is also known as "The Jewish Course of Why" and focuses around the 50 most commonly asked questions among a survey of 30,000 Jewish people.


Additional information:
The Jewish Course of Why
Chabad of Chesterfield
At Pepose Vision Institute
6-Week course
Wednesdays, Starting Feb. 17
7:30 - 9 p.m.
1815 Clarkson Rd Conference

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