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Identifying the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy (Sources) [New!]
Feasts of Gratitude
סוד עניית אמן. פרק א
A Mystical Prayer
A Look at Liturgy: On the Origin and Evolution of Piyutim
Old Worshippers and Timeless Prayer
יסוד תקנת אמירת ברכת שהחיינו
Thanking G-d for Goodness Part II
Thanking G-d for Goodness Part I
Praying in Unison – Kedusha during the Silent Amida
סוד עניית אמן. פרק ב
The Congregational Prayer Service – Prayer Section III
The Chazzan’s Dilemma
Bowing in Prayer
The Mindset of Prayer – Tefilah with Kavanah
Evolution of Prayer
Why Pray? (Class)
The Nusach Debate – Reciting the Thirteen Attributes of Mercy during the Ne’ilah Service
Kaddish and Closure
Birkat Kohanim from Temple times until Today
The Power of Tefilah b’Tzibbur
The Meaning of Veyiten Lecha
Meaning of the Moon: A Kiddush Levana Digest
The Art of the Ark and Other Rules of Shul Kibudim