Election Series

The election series offers a choice of six hot-button election issues analyzed in a nonpartisan manner through the lens of Torah. Two sessions: Gun Control and Immigration, are eligible for CLE credit (in most states). An additional four topics by Rabbi Nochum Mangel are available: Wealth and Leadership, Income Inequality, the Kabbalah of Your Political Choices, and The Biblical Tax Rate.

Gun Control & Immigration

Two JLI lessons on Gun Control & Immigration

Student Books Available here

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Election Series Four lessons

Four Lessons by Rabbi Nochum Mangel.

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Election Series Six lessons

All 6 lessons together.

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The election series offers a choice of six hot-button election issues analyzed in a nonpartisan manner through the lens of Torah. Two sessions: Gun Control and Immigration, are eligible for CLE credit (in most states). An additional four topics by Rabbi Nochum Mangel are available: Wealth and Leadership, Income Inequality, the Kabbalah of Your Political Choices, and The Biblical Tax Rate.


Marketing Materials, PowerPoint, Student Textbooks, Teacher's Manual

Marketing Materials Include

Editable Poster, Email Teaser, Flyer, Postcard, Web Banners

Contact Info

Menachem Klein / [email protected]

